a patent factの例文


  1. Lacan was deeply committed to the'proposition that the analyst hystorizes only from himself : a patent fact . even if he is confirmed in doing so by a hierarchy '.


  1. "a patch of fog"の例文
  2. "a patch of sunlight"の例文
  3. "a patchwork planet"の例文
  4. "a patchy server"の例文
  5. "a patent"の例文
  6. "a path with heart"の例文
  7. "a pathetic"の例文
  8. "a patient and his family"の例文
  9. "a patient with hepatitis"の例文
  10. "a patchy server"の例文
  11. "a patent"の例文
  12. "a path with heart"の例文
  13. "a pathetic"の例文

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